My dad's loving feedback from my last blog post was, "quit whining." I didn't mean to... I thought I was just being authentic, but... he is right.
I know my situation isn't unusual or even particularly interesting but this series of posts is not to be about me or to vent but to showcase the power of God in my life, in this circumstance, in this time.
I had several thoughts strike me this week as I was visiting my parents in the mountains:
First, I am extremely blessed in this circumstance.
I am a single person so I do not have to think about taking care of my family or providing for more than just little ole me - that's a blessing.
I have a GREAT support system including family, friends and even ex-coworkers that think I am more capable and talented than I think I am for sure and that is very encouraging.
I have savings which is helpful.
I have only small monthly bills beyond my mortgage (ie no car payment, school loan, etc...), blessing.
I serve a very BIG God who has promised to use me for His glory.
Second, procrastination is never a flattering trait but I have gotten by with it in the past. I am now seeing it rear it's ugly head in this process and it is not serving me. Not sure how to structure and discipline this character flaw while unemployed but it's gonna have to happen. More on this later I am sure.
Third, my parents are wonderful. I am so grateful to God that I have Christ loving, God serving parents that can encourage me with Truth. I am so thankful that I feel utterly and completely loved by them. I was raised to never doubt God's provision and this week we remembered ways God had provided. Like, when I was being born their insurance with the new church wasn't going to kick in until August 1st. They weren't sure what to do but they prayed and left it up to God. Mom went into labor July 30th. I was born the next day... July 31st. The nurse came to tell my parents that they were having issues with the computers and would they mind if, for insurance purposes, they dated this as August 1st, though my birth certificate would say my actual birthday or July 31st. Needs were met like this all the time growing up and if my parents worried I don't remember seeing it. I am grateful for their demonstrated faithfulness.
All this being said, I am determined to (try) to enjoy this process. If I trust God to provide, if I know He wants to use me, and if I am actively seeking both His will and doing my part then there is no reason to worry and every reason to enjoy the process with true joy so... here I go - week 3.
Goals Accomplished -- Week 2:
* Informal interview #2 (on site)
* Had resume and reference sheet edited by professional editor friend
* Posted to Facebook
* Updated LinkedIn page
* Typed email (and had edited) for friends & family (not sent yet)
Jobs applied for (0)
Total jobs applied for to date: (1)
Monday, August 20, 2012
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you're doing so great! proud of your perspective. :)